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sqkz design

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  1. Art Portfolio

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  2. NTS Radio

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  3. SCOPE

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  4. Frekka

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  5. A Kind of Guise

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Fullstack Web Development - Design - Illustation - Fullstack Web Development - Design - Illustation - Fullstack Web Development - Design - Illustation - Fullstack Web Development - Design - Illustation - Fullstack Web Development - Design - Illustation -

Fullstack Web Development - Design - Illustation - Fullstack Web Development - Design - Illustation - Fullstack Web Development - Design - Illustation - Fullstack Web Development - Design - Illustation - Fullstack Web Development - Design - Illustation -

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About Me

A photo of me.

I'm an artist and creative, who's passions lie in art making and technology. Currently living and working in Brooklyn, NY. I'm a graduate from the University of Vermont, with a dual major of studio art and computer science. My interests include but definitely are not limited to, art, skateboarding and cooking. I strive to be unique and genuine in all that I do.

SQKZ - Riley Hoff

A second photo of me.