sqkz design

NTS Radio - Mobile Redesign

  1. Web Design Case Study
  2. UI Inteactions & Animations
  3. Html & CSS

A prototype for a redesign of the NTS Radio mobile app; a live internet radio station and archive. The main homepage for the app shows a split view of the two current live radio stations. My focus was to improve the visual hierarchy when listening to either of these stations, increasing and decreasing the screen real-estate respectively to give the user a better focus on what's currently being played. Around the rest of the app I used a design language with large background images for each radio episode, host, and or mixtape aimed to highlight the personality of each different radio mix around their archive.


  1. Art Portfolio

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  2. NTS Radio

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  3. SCOPE

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  4. Frekka

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  5. A Kind of Guise

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